About Stardust Search

Stardust is Search as it should be

Executive search - analys

Stardust Search is recruiting for senior positions and other key roles. We stand out by being the Search firm of the new era. What that means and how we do it, we’ll explain here.

At our company senior consultants with concrete experience in leading individuals in various roles and industries work. We approach your assignments with great enthusiasm and prefer to work in teams. This is because working together makes the process faster, more objective, and, most importantly, more enjoyable.

We have chosen not to work with junior researchers or talent scouts but to practice the entire craft ourselves, from start to finish. We share a common purpose: to help you build your business and future-proof your organization. With a proven process and validated tools, we offer long-term successful recruitments.

“At the senior level, a misrecruitment can cost upwards of 1 million SEK, depending on the position. A scenario we are eager to help you avoid.”

This sets us apart as a Search company of the modern era

Our mission may be to identify a dedicated CEO, a CDO leading the company in digital transformation, a specialist for a key role, or a board member contributing to moving an organization into the next phase. Concurrently, our job is also to offer our clients a long-term and sustainable solution where the right candidate contributes to both developing your business and the people within the current organization.

It’s a complex process – as we are in a fast-moving and unpredictable world that demands new types of leaders. Expertise that understands future organizations, operations, and employees. This is where we come in: As a Search company of the modern era, we have the tools required to find the right match for your organization.

  • We understand today’s business challenges, such as increased digitalization, talent shortages, and changing organizational structures.
  • We understand the importance of recruiting individuals who can lead businesses in sync with these changes in our environment.
  • We conduct thorough research, delve deep into your company culture to match the right candidates, and deliver long-term recruitment solutions.
  • We make evidence-based selections: testing candidates and introducing objectivity to ensure unbiased recruitment.
  • We take responsibility for your employer brand, primarily by creating a positive candidate experience.
  • We employ competency-based interview techniques, conduct thorough reference checks and background screening, as well as administer tests and assessments to ensure objectivity and diversity.
  • We facilitate a smooth onboarding process by gathering all insights and briefing the hiring manager before the candidate starts with your organization.

A wide range of clients and valuable networks

We have the most experience working with growth companies, primarily family-owned businesses, but we also have trust from listed, venture capital-backed, private, and government-owned companies, as well as public and nonprofit organizations.

As senior-level recruiters, we recruit candidates for roles such as CEO, COO, CDO, CFO, Marketing, Communications, and Sales Managers, HR Managers, and management teams.

As part of the Stardust Group, we have our sister company, Stardust Consulting, which offers the entire spectrum of Talent Management and organizational & leadership development – something that can benefit our clients.

As a member of the international network Lense & Lumen Advisory Group, we also assist with the placement of global roles, a strength in many of our client relationships.

Our process for qualified recruitment:

Certainly, here’s the text you provided:

Based on experience, insights from future challenges, and analysis, we have developed a process, a model that we follow in our recruitment process, and that we continuously tweak. It also defines our requirements for tools and enables us to provide our clients with the best match for a successful and long-term solution.

In our method, everything from workshops, surveys, to tests/assessments with high validity is included. Of course, in addition to competency-based interview techniques, thorough candidate reference checks, and background screening. We also offer effective onboarding discussions for a smooth introduction and follow-up with both the candidate and the hiring manager after hiring.

Our advice for every key recruitment:

Challenge your job profile

Invest time in creating a thorough job profile to determine what you are really looking for in the current role/position.

Tests that measure the right things

Utilize quality tests with high validity that are relevant to your selection process.

The right candidate for your culture

Ensure that the right candidate aligns with your company culture.

Modern challenges

Challenges in recruitment in a new era.

We and our clients can agree on the modern challenges when it comes to recruiting leaders and other key individuals. They surely resonate!

Challenge 1


Social media, accessible databases, and numerous job platforms make it relatively easy to find candidates today. This has led to an abundance of players in the recruitment market. However, making the right selection is about deeply understanding the customer’s real needs!

The challenge is not just finding candidates but also finding candidates with the right commitment. Success requires professional expertise and the use of the right tools, in the right channels, and at the right time.

Challenge 2

Talent shortage

The skewed appearance of the population pyramid has created a talent shortage in the market. The expression ‘the war of talents’ is indeed a reality. The need to identify the right employees for each role becomes all the more crucial.

Finding “pleasant” employees is not enough; as a Search company, we must use competency-based, credible processes to find long-term solutions.

Challenge 3

Organizations for a new era

New generations and new values are creating demand for new types of organizations. The organizations of the future are likely to not be pyramid-shaped but based on self-managing teams in various forms.

This means that talent acquisition must keep up and reflect the operations of the new era.

Our clients.

Demanding customers make us better! We are so proud to contribute with long-term successful recruitments to the organizations we help to grow in an increasingly complex and fast-moving world.
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"Great commitment in every assignment"

Stardust is a competent and very professional partner whom we have hired several times. Their team shows great interest and commitment to the specifics of each assignment, and we have great confidence in them in the recruitment process.
Anna Bellander
Communications Director

"Excellent help in finding the right candidate"

We have used Stardust Search on several occasions and are very satisfied. The collaboration is secure and straightforward. The recruitment process is thorough and support is available all the way. Through our cooperation with Stardust Search, we have, despite often tight schedules, received rexcellent help in finding the right candidate for the position.
Rickard Bracken
"Secretary-General, Suicide Zero"

"Personal and professional handling"

We have hired Stardust Search for three recruitments and are very satisfied. The holistic view of both the customer and candidate experience, as well as the personal and professional handling throughout the entire process, is something I really appreciate.
Christina Lingdén
Communications Director, Sobona

"Would not hire without Stardust Search"

I have previously been skeptical of personality tests, but today I would not hire a new doctor at Funmed without letting Stardust Search conduct tests and provide feedback on them first.
Nils Edelstam
Chief Medical Officer, Funmed AB

"Quality all the way"

We were incredibly satisfied with Stardust Search in our CEO recruitment. We had a good dialogue during the process and were also very satisfied with the final result. With Stardust Search, one can expect to be listened to and receive quality all the way.
Hanna Brandström
Head of People & Culture, Castellum

"Thorough process"

Stardust Search tried to get to know us as a company before they started so that the match would be as accurate as possible – a process that was more thorough than I have experienced before.
Farhad Jabbari
CEO, Qicraft

"Recommended as a recruitment partner"

Stardust Search understands our needs and they are always professional – towards candidates and us who are seeking new talents. We are very satisfied with our cooperation with Stardust and can highly recommend them as a recruitment partner.
Mikael Hernberger
CEO, Motor Trend

“In a fast-moving world, the view of leadership often needs to be adjusted, which requires more advanced methods to recruit correctly. This is something Stardust Search has focused on, and you notice the difference.”