Our services

Bullseye Search - our services in recruitment

We are hired because the people we recruit make a difference. Companies turn to us because finding the right expertise can be challenging when job titles or backgrounds don’t always tell the whole story.

We understand that a proper blend of skills, abilities, and motivation is required to make a difference for your organization. Companies seek our assistance due to the significant investment required to make the right hire, and the potential high costs associated with a mis-hire – a scenario we ensure you avoid.

At Stardust Search, we grasp the challenges facing modern businesses and the importance of recruiting individuals capable of leading organizations in line with the changes happening in our world.

To address this, we offer a range of tailored services, where our senior recruitment specialists guide you to your goal through a well-defined process.

Feel free to contact us for an informal discovery call about recruitment for top-level positions, board roles, and other key positions.

Our clients.

Demanding customers make us better! We are so proud to contribute with long-term successful recruitments to the organizations we help to grow in an increasingly complex and fast-moving world.
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"Great commitment in every assignment"

Stardust is a competent and very professional partner whom we have hired several times. Their team shows great interest and commitment to the specifics of each assignment, and we have great confidence in them in the recruitment process.
Anna Bellander
Communications Director

"Excellent help in finding the right candidate"

We have used Stardust Search on several occasions and are very satisfied. The collaboration is secure and straightforward. The recruitment process is thorough and support is available all the way. Through our cooperation with Stardust Search, we have, despite often tight schedules, received rexcellent help in finding the right candidate for the position.
Rickard Bracken
"Secretary-General, Suicide Zero"

"Personal and professional handling"

We have hired Stardust Search for three recruitments and are very satisfied. The holistic view of both the customer and candidate experience, as well as the personal and professional handling throughout the entire process, is something I really appreciate.
Christina Lingdén
Communications Director, Sobona

"Would not hire without Stardust Search"

I have previously been skeptical of personality tests, but today I would not hire a new doctor at Funmed without letting Stardust Search conduct tests and provide feedback on them first.
Nils Edelstam
Chief Medical Officer, Funmed AB

"Quality all the way"

We were incredibly satisfied with Stardust Search in our CEO recruitment. We had a good dialogue during the process and were also very satisfied with the final result. With Stardust Search, one can expect to be listened to and receive quality all the way.
Hanna Brandström
Head of People & Culture, Castellum

"Thorough process"

Stardust Search tried to get to know us as a company before they started so that the match would be as accurate as possible – a process that was more thorough than I have experienced before.
Farhad Jabbari
CEO, Qicraft

"Recommended as a recruitment partner"

Stardust Search understands our needs and they are always professional – towards candidates and us who are seeking new talents. We are very satisfied with our cooperation with Stardust and can highly recommend them as a recruitment partner.
Mikael Brunnhagen
CEO, Motor Trend

“We understand the importance of recruiting individuals who can lead operations in line with challenges in a new era of talent shortages, increased digitalization, and changing organizational structures.”