Gabriella Svärdh

Gabriella Svärdh

Gabriella has extensive experience working as a recruiting manager and has, in recent years, specialized in leading recruitment processes that deliver clear results.

She has helped companies build effective, high-performing teams by thoroughly understanding client needs and finding the right person for each role.

With an analytical and thoughtful approach, Gabriella ensures the creation of teams that not only meet today’s demands but also contribute to the company’s long-term growth. Her goal is always to provide solutions that make a real difference for both organizations and individuals.

Krävande kunder gör oss bättre! Vi är så stolta att få bidra med långsiktigt lyckade rekryteringar till de organisationer vi hjälper att växa i en alltmer komplex och snabbrörlig värld.
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“We create value for boards. We look beyond our own networks and offer independent professional assessments of potential board members’ competencies, abilities, and motivation.”